Student Jobs

Gain professional experience while exploring all things outdoor oriented.

We encourage our staff to explore new ideas, skills, sports, and lifestyles. Our team creates an atmosphere of support, respect, and shared responsibility in hopes that you will take a leadership role and make the OP yours. To accommodate this, we expect honesty, learning, growth, and quality work. If this is what you are looking for, a job at the OP may be perfect for you.

The Outdoor Program posts all job openings on Handshake

Working for the Outdoor Program


  • 15–20 hours of work a week
  • Valid driver's license and good driving record
  • Good social and communication skills
  • Work-study preferred but not required
  • Wilderness First Responder certification preferred but not required

General Activities

  • Coordinate on-campus OP events
  • Greet the public, answer questions, and direct clients to the right resources
  • Answer phones and run errands
  • Handle cash transactions for event sign-ups, rentals, and OP memberships
  • Identify what needs to be done, and do it
  • Attend weekly, mandatory staff meetings

Traits We Look For

  • Love of the outdoors and interest in going on OP outings
  • Self-directed, motivated, innovative
  • Desire to learn new skills and concepts
  • Strong sense of responsibility
  • Good humored and outgoing
  • Enjoys working with clients and staff